Business Intelligence: Australians VS. Saudi Arabians

Business Intelligence: Australians VS. Saudi Arabians

Initially, PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) approach for business management turned into highly beneficial one, which has now turned into business intelligence for business forecasting, business analysis and management with data representation. Business Intelligence is required for strategic planning, applications, Technical advancement and architectural investments.

Gulf Coast Countries (GCC) relied on their Oil-based economy, which sets them apart from rest of the developing countries who are much more technically sound than GCC. Saudi-Arabia (Part of GCC) consists 25% of world’s petroleum reserves (Bayliss Associates, 2017), helping in maintenance the country’s GDP and setting them apart from rest of the developing countries, who are still finding their ways to achieve this prestigious tag of developed country.

Australians can be a great motivation for citizens of gulf countries. They are innovation admirers, it doesn’t matter where it comes from. Australian culture doesn’t promote power distance, hierarchy is set in an organisation just to bring an ease and convenience in working (Kimmorley, 2017). They don’t believe in hierarchical and bureaucratic culture (Kimmorley, 2017).

Strategic Long term planning is the forte of Australians (Kimmorley, 2017). They have an understanding culture of early adoption which keep them ahead in planning and sustaining their available resources. Such approach is a result of practical and business oriented teachings. On the other hand, ‘Rote Learning’(Memorization) methodology is being implemented in Saudi Arabia and many GCC countries, resulting in the brain drain. CEO of Aramex comments ’Aramex needs employees with analytical and independent decision making approach, which education system supporting ‘Rote’ Learning cannot produce’. (Rice, 2003)

Aussies prefers individualistic approach in working, they prefer to solve the problems as per their understanding without consulting any superior hierarchy. They are considered as much more analytical and decision makers. Therefore, Australia promotes their BI market across the globe, which evaluates a gross value of more than AU$700 million and still they are planning to invest 50% more in expansion of cloud infrastructure (Mendonca, 2017).

In the era of technology, the advancement in technical architecture is highly recommendable with the advancement in technical and data Literacy. Business markets are investing majorly in building cloud data warehouses E.g. Amazon Redshift (Mendonca, 2017). Their target is to raise the life of the data and make it avail to the people with a great ease. Australia measures an ability of a person with his computer literacy level. Business and data analyses skills are in great demand across Australia, for which government is offering permanent residence to many of the skilled manpower across the globe.

Data analyses has become an important aspect in the life of an Australian, even though being famous for their ‘Laidback’ and ‘work hard, play hard’ attitude. They are very much concerned about the data accuracy and analyses reports and presentation (Kimmorley, 2017). They are considered as a lazy people due to their joyful and partying nature but in actual they quite work oriented. If a person is assigned to do a job and he/she agrees to complete in the given period then it must be completed by then or else they will turn into an ‘angry bull’ who hates his rider and ready to bang his head.

Diverse culture brings diverse effects with the transition of a person, especially if the transition is taking place from a country which belongs to middle eastern regions of the earth. Gulf countries are said to be pretty much culturally conserved and doesn’t feel comfortable with other parts of the world. They prefer to trust someone of their own community instead of a person from some different culture. They are socially well connected and prefer to contact people in face-to-face conversations. They are conserved and strict with their cultural traditions, likewise Japanese are. Japanese are very strict with their traditions and culture that they refuse to get flexible with that. Sometimes, this conserved nature restricts one person to be more open in doing business.




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